1- レス
Inside ‘Europe’s biggest theme park’ left abandoned just a year after opening
[2]名無しさん@えむちゃん:2024/04/15(月) 01:10:56 0
Wonderland Eurasia - also known as Ankapark - opened its doors in the Turkish capital Ankara in March 2019, costing around $801m to build, and offering punters around 1.3 million square metres of space, and 17 rollercoasters - the third most of any theme park anywhere in the world at the time, alongside Cedar Point in Ohio and Canada's Wonderland. It even attracted the attention of the country's president Recip Tayyip Erdogan, saying it was 'one of the symbols of pride for Turkey'



0ch BBS 2006-02-27 + m-ch 2006-04-27